Herat University Chancellor's Message

6 months 2 weeks ago

Academic institutions, as the flag barriers of specialized and applied knowledge, play an important role in the comfort and well-being of societies.

True bliss depends on clear understanding and wise application of religious guidelines. Material excellence and progress relies on true understanding of the mysteries of nature whose creator is Allah, and this progress is only possible through the application of specialized knowledge and professional development.

Herat University, as one of the largest and strongest national academic institutions in the country, with its capable and reputed staff worthy of the ancient Herat, strives to provide good religious and human mission in professional education and training of committed specialists. Herat University, in cooperation with other institutions and sectors, is determined to scholarly and responsibly play a fundamental role in enlightening the minds, producing and promoting up-to-date knowledge, and by participating fully in national and regional policies and strategies takes pride in the path of progress and excellence.

Allah bestows success and we are the ones who are dear to Allah

Sheikh Al-Hadith Abul Hikmat, Mufti Abdul Ghafar, President of Herat University

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Sat, Feb 10 2024 11:14 AM
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Supervision of the preservation and care project in the Teacher Training College

Mullah Anamullah Anam, the financial and administrative vice-president of the Herat University, while Prof. Basir Ahmad Karimi, the head of the University of Education and Training, the. . .

Wed, Jan 10 2024 4:39 PM
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The weekly meeting of Herat University's Financial and

Administrative Vice-presidency was held.
With the presence of Mullah Anamullah Anam, the financial and administrative vice president, the administrators and managers of the. . .

Wed, Jan 10 2024 4:36 PM
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A gathering of a calm nation and a responsible government

This the title of the ceremony which was organized by the Department of Information and Culture of Herat Province in the presence of Maulvi Khairullah Khairkhah, Minister of Information. . .

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Mon, Nov 28 2022 1:22 PM
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اعلان بست های کادر علمی پوهنځی کمپیوتر ساینس

پوهنځی (کمپیوترساینس) دیپارتمنت (سافت‌ویر انجینرینگ) کُد(28-32-B3-15-03-05) تعداد (یک)بسترا برای بار اول در سال 1444 به اعلان می‌سپارد.


  1. Introduction to Programming 1 and . . .
Wed, Nov 16 2022 1:00 PM
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اعلان بست های کادر علمی پوهنځی حقوق

پوهنحی (حقوق و علوم سیاسی) دیپارتمنت (حقوق جزا و علوم جنائی) کُد (28-32-B3-12-03-03) تعداد (یک) بست برای (آقایان)، برای بار مجدد در سال 1444 به اعلان می‌سپارد.


1-حقوق جزای . . .

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Mon, Jun 26 2023 9:34 AM
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اعلان کادرعلمی پوهنحی حقـــــوق و علوم سیاسی

1-  پوهنځی (حقـــــوق و علوم سیاسی) دیپــــــارتمنت (حقـــــــــــــوق جزا و علوم جنایی) کُد(28-32-B3-12-03-03) تعداد (یک) بست را برای بار سوم  در سال 1444 به اعلان می‌سپارد.

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