special representative of the Ministry of Higher Education met with president of the Hariva Private Institute of Higher Education
Today, MulaviMenatullahAkhondzadeh, special representative of the Ministry of Higher Education and Herat University deputy of Finance and Administrative met with Abdul Sami Valizaheh president of the Hariva Private Institute of Higher Education.
First, MulaviMenatullahAkhondzadeh, special representative of the Ministry of Higher Education and Herat University deputy of Finance and Administrative greeted the guests and appreciated the academic activities of the private institutes of higher education and addressed that the promotion and improvement of these institutes are part of the Ministry of Higher Education’s programs.
Mr. Akhondzadeh considered it important to observe and comply with the Ministry of Higher Education rules and procedures in improving the quality of educational services and added that the private higher education institutes for be aligned with the Ministry of Higher Educations’ goals and their predetermined objectives, should take steps according to their strategic plans and consider the measurements of quality assurance accordingly.
In continuance, the president of the Hariva Private Institute of Higher Education appreciated Ministry of Higher Education’s attention to the private higher education institutes, vowed to do their best for society’s promotions synchronous with the Ministry of Higher Education and they won't dismiss any efforts.