The imam and preacher's posts exam was held for Herat, Farah, Ghor, Badghis, and Nimrooz Universities.

Wed, Nov 16 2022 12:38 PM

With the presence of Prof, Abdul Aziz Nomani Chancellor of Herat University, Mulavi Menatullah Akhondzadeh, special representative of the Ministry of Higher Education, and Herat University deputy of Finance and Administrative, Mofti Nazir Ahmad Ahmadi and Molavi Wali Mohammad Mohammadi the Ministry of Higher Education delegation, and applicants for the posts, the exam for the imam and preachers’ posts were held in the academic council meeting hall of Herat University.
The ceremony started with the recitation of Holly Quran and then Prof, Abdul Aziz Nomani Chancellor of Herat University while welcoming the guests, talked about the scholars’ positions and the prominent role of imams and preachers in the higher education institutes in order to preach and promote Islamic teaching, he also said: “it is decided that the Ministry of Higher Education recruit imams and preachers in the third and fourth administrative positions.”

In continuing, Mufti Nazir Ahmad Ahmadi while mentioned to the scholars’ position in society, he emphasized that imam and preachers in the higher institutes play a vital role; in this regard, the Ministry of Higher Education considered third and fourth posts for the universities in the capital and other provinces which through oral and writing exam and presenting academic seminar will get recruited.
Then, the exam was started by the Ministry of Higher Education's delegation and the exam delegation of the faculty of Theology.

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