The Fifth Biennial of Painting Exhibition of Fine Arts

پنجشنبه ۱۳۹۹/۵/۱۶ - ۱۰:۱۶

The 5th Biennial of Fine Arts Exhibition of Herat University was opened with a ceremony. The leadership of Herat University, heads of government departments, members of civil society, university lecturers and students attended at the Amir Ali Shirnavai Hall, Faculty of Public Administration and Policy.

Mohammad Tawfiq Rahmani, the Head of Fine Arts College, welcomed the guests, appreciated the worldly and spiritual support of Herat Province and Herat University directorship, and also thanked the lecturers and students of College of Fine Arts for their efforts in creating and organizing the 5th Biennial Exhibition.

The aim of the 5th Biennial of Painting Exhibition is to create a relationship between artist and audience, create a healthy competition between students and develop the art of painting. And about 36 works of art have been exhibited by 65 students, masters of painting and artists outside the university.

Subsequently, Dr. Abdullah Faiz, the chancellor of Herat University, praised the artistic activities of lecturers and students of Fine Arts, considered the exhibitions important for the preservation of Herat's culture and identity; there will be also such exhibitions in the future.

Dr Faiz added: traditional carpet and tile design departments will soon be established in the site, which in turn, will be an economic-cultural development in the region.

The chancellor of Herat University said: "efforts and steps should be taken to preserve the ancient monuments and cultural heritage of Herat province. In this regard, Herat University will sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the Department of Information and Culture." The two-year Exhibition of Fine Arts Exhibition was inaugurated by guests. The exhibition is open to those interested for 15 days.

تازه خبرونه

دوشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۱۲/۱۳ - ۹:۵۸
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د ملکي وګړو حقوق د اسلامي شریعت او نړیوالو اسنادو له نظره علمي کنفرانس

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دوشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۱۲/۱۳ - ۹:۵۵
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سه‌شنبه ۱۴۰۳/۱۲/۷ - ۱۵:۱۳
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