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Scientific council meeting of Herat University
Herat University’s Academic Council meeting was held with in presence of Prof, Abdula Aziz Nomani Chancellor of Herat University, Mulavi Menatullah Akhondzadeh, special representative. . .
An academic conventional was held on unallowable cyberspace content from an Islamic view
On the initiative of female students of the Theology Faculty with the cooperation of the cultural committee, an academic convention on unallowable cyberspace content from an Islamic. . .
The meeting of the administrative council of the university was held.
The Herat University administration council meeting was held.
Herat University administration council was held with the presence of Prof, Abdul Aziz Nomani chancellor of Herat. . .
A training workshop on the framework and scientific programs of quality assurance and accreditation was held
The Quality Assurance, Accreditation Framework and Academic Program training workshop was held in the Academic Research Center conference hall with the presence of Prof, Abdul Aziz. . .
Introducing the Communication and Public Awareness Officer
Mohammad Naser Mostaner was introduced to his colleagues as the Head of the Relations and Public Awareness Department of Herat University as Prof, Abdul Aziz Nomani Chancellor of Herat. . .
Scientific council meeting of Herat University
Herat University’s Academic Council meeting was held with in presence of Prof, Abdula Aziz Nomani Chancellor of Herat University, Mulavi Menatullah Akhondzadeh, special representative. . .
The meeting of the President of Herat University with the President of Labor and Social Affairs
Prof, Abdul Aziz Nomani Chancellor of Herat University met with Hafez Mirza Abo-Mohammad Mansour, Head of Herat Labor and Social Affairs, and his accompanying delegation while Mulavi. . .
Opening of Herat University Students' Union
Today Herat University Students' Union was opened with the participation of Dr. Abdullah Faiz, Chancellor of Herat University, university vice chancellors, professors, and students at. . .
Scientific conference on the environmental impacts of investment in agriculture
Scientific conference on the environmental impacts of investment in agriculture was held by the Faculty of Agriculture with the cooperation of FAO Organization in the presence of Herat. . .