*Herat University Faculty Examinations Committee Meeting Held*

شنبه ۱۴۰۳/۱۰/۲۲ - ۱۴:۵۶

The meeting of the Examination Committee of the Faculties of Herat University began with the recitation of verses from the Holy Quran. Following that, in accordance with the agenda, the officials of the Examination Committee presented reports on past examinations and their future implementation plans.

In this meeting, Sheikh-ul-Hadith Mawlawi Abdul Hadi Zowlhadi, the Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs of Herat University, welcomed the committee members and highlighted key points regarding fairness in grading, the importance of adhering to procedures and regulations during the examination process, and the announcement of results. He emphasized that all committee members must consider justice and fairness in grading and prevent any violation of rights.
He further stressed the strict observance of rules and regulations at all stages of the examinations. The Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs also recommended the proper use of available resources, paying special attention to innovation and creativity in planning, and preparing weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual plans. He insisted on serious oversight of examinations and assigned tasks.
At the end of the meeting, the committees that had effectively and efficiently performed their examination-related duties were praised and appreciated by the Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs of Herat University. The meeting concluded with prayers.

تازه خبرونه

دوشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۱۲/۱۳ - ۹:۵۸
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د ملکي وګړو حقوق د اسلامي شریعت او نړیوالو اسنادو له نظره علمي کنفرانس

پوهنوال عبدالرحمن سلیم، د هرات پوهنتون د شرعیاتو او اسلامي علومو پوهنځي استاد، د "ملکي وګړو حقوق د اسلامي شریعت او نړیوالو اسنادو له نظره" تر عنوان لاندې علمي کنفرانس جوړ کړ.
په دې. . .

دوشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۱۲/۱۳ - ۹:۵۵
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د هرات پوهنتون په مختلفو څانګو کې د حاضرۍ څارنه

د هرات پوهنتون د کارکوونکو چارو آمر مولوي محمد اسماعیل سعادت، د یو هیئت په ملتيا د پوهنځیو، کادري روغتون او د هرات پوهنتون د غاښونو کلینیک د حاضریو څارنه او کنترول ترسره کړ.
دغه ارزونه. . .

سه‌شنبه ۱۴۰۳/۱۲/۷ - ۱۵:۱۳
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د هرات پوهنتون د محصلینو چارو مرستیال د تیکا له رییس سره وکتل

د شیخ‌الحدیث مولانا عبدالهادي ذو الهادي، د هرات پوهنتون د محصلانو چارو مرستیال، د دې علمي بنسټ له یوې هیئت سره یوځای د تیکا دفتر له رئیس ډاکتر عرفات دنیز سره د علمي او بنسټیزو همکاریو د. . .