A training workshop on the framework and scientific programs of quality assurance and accreditation was held

Tue, Sep 13 2022 10:20 AM

The Quality Assurance, Accreditation Framework and Academic Program training workshop was held in the Academic Research Center conference hall with the presence of Prof, Abdul Aziz Nomani Chancellor of Herat University, Mulavi Menatullah Akhondzadeh, special representative of the Ministry of Higher Education and Herat University deputy of Finance and Administrative, Prof, Ghulam Hazrat Hasas deputy of students affairs, Sefatullah Hamid Head of Accreditation and Quality assurance, heads of Quality Assurance of Herat University, along with Farah, Nimrooz, Badqais, Ghur provinces’ quality assurance heads.
The meeting started with recitation of Holly Quran and then Prof, Abdul Aziz Nomani Chancellor of Herat University welcomed the guests, thanked the Ministry of Higher Education’s special attention to accreditation and quality assurance programs and talked about the development and expanse of academic values.
The chancellor of Herat University once again mentioned the importance of consideration of quality assurance metrics and asked the participants to attain the most knowledge of the delegation’s scientific achievements.
Then, Dr. Mohammad Zarif Sharifi member of the quality assurance and accreditation talked about the importance of these programs and said: “one of the most significant indicators for Higher Education is universities accreditation, in this respect, universities and higher education institutions must consider the quality assurance metrics and gain their academic credibility which will able them to continue their academic activities.
The workshop prolong for 3 days.

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