اعلان یک بست خالی استاد در پوهنحی انجینری

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پوهنځـی (انجینری) دیپارتمنت (سیول) کُد(28-32-B3-13-01-08) تعداد (یک) بست بار اول در سال 1446 به اعلان میسپارد.
SN Title Autor Publisher Chapters Edition
1 Applied Fluid Mechanics Robert L. Mott and Joseph A. Untener Pearson, 2015 1-10 7th
2 Principles of Geotechnical Engineering Braja M. Das and Khaled Sobhan Cengage, 2010 1-10 7th
3 Principles of Highway Engineering and Traffic Analysis Fred L. Mannering and Scott S. Washburn Wiley, 2009 1-4 4th
4 Steel Design William T. Segui Cengage, 2018 1-8 6th
5 Design of Reinforced concrete Jack C. McCormac and Russell H. Brrown Wiley, 2009 1-5 and 7-12 8th
6 Fundamentals of Structural Analysis Kenneth M. Leet McGraw-Hill, 2011 1-5, 8-9 and 12-13 6th
7 Mechanics of Materials Ferdinand P. Beer McGraw-Hill, 2014 1-6 7th
8 Open Channels Hydraulics Jalil Abrishami and Said Mahmood Housaini Quds, 2012 1-5 2nd
9 Surveying Principles and Applications Barry Kavanagh Pearson, 2009 1-6 8th
10 Calculus Early Transcendentals James Stewart Cengage, 2020 1-10 9th
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