An introductory and advisory meeting of the scholars council

An introductory and advisory meeting of the scholars council was held in presence of Shaikh-Al-Hadith and Al-Tafsir, Mohammad Bashar Halimi, Head of the Herat Scholars’ Council, Prof, Abdul Aziz Nomani Chancellor of Herat University, MulaviMenatullahAkhondzadeh, special representative of Ministry of Higher Education and Herat University deputy of Finance and Administrative; Shaikh-Al-Hadis and Tafsir, Abdul Hamid Deputy of Scholar’s Council and a group of respected scholars, deans and lecturers of Herat University faculties and authorities of some private universities and higher education institutions in the conference hall of Herat Governor. This meeting was heldto discuss the principle of unity of opinion and cooperation between the religious centers and universities; moreover, the way to achieve this vital unity was alsoconferred.
The meeting first started with recitingsome verses of Holy Quran by Mufti Gul Ahmad Sameh, and then Shaikh-Al-Hadis and Al-Tafsir Mulavi Mohammad Bashar Halimi, Head of the Council of Scholars, gave his comprehensive speech about the necessity of converging of views and thoughts of religious scholars and university professors.
Subsequently, Prof, Mulavi Abdul Aziz Nomani, Chancellor of Herat University, by seizing the opportunity of independence and governance of Islamic system, encouraged the respected religious scholars and university professors to consider the spiritual and material needs of people in individual and social life. He also emphasized on scientific solutions of factors to reduce the distance between religious centers and universities.
Then, Prof, Mulavi Mahmoud Shafiq,Professors of Theology Faculty of Herat University, addressed the importance of religions and eternity knowledge; furthermore, he talked about the comprehensiveness and inclusiveness of Islam.
Afterward, Haji Khalifa Mulavi Abdul Qudos broadly talked about the significance of religious education and constructive upbringing.
Then, Prof,Mohammad Naser Rahyab, Chancellor of Ghalib Private University and Mr. Rahimi Academic Deputy of Jami University spoke about the importance of relations and they proclaimed theircomprehensive cooperation.
Afterward, Shaikh-Al-Hadis and Al-Tafsir, Abdul Hamid Deputy of Scholar’s Council emphasized on the need for unity of opinions, necessity and importance of religious schools and universities; he also declared his complete support in the matter, too.
The Deputy of Scholar’s Council, while mentioning the thoughts and beliefs focusing on Hanafi faith, talked about holding scientific conferences and comprehensive support of Islamic system.
Prof, Mohammad Naser Moein,Dean of EconomicsFaculty of Herat University, spoke about the importance of learning of science and reviving Islamic civilization; he requested support of Islamic Emirates officials in handling and paying more attention to the necessity of scientific knowledge.
The meeting ended with a prayer.